Nintendo Explains What’s The Hole Under The Switch Screen
If you own a Nintendo Switch, you might have noticed a small hole that’s directly beneath the Nintendo Switch screen.
The official Nintendo customer support account has explained that this hole, which changes its color at times, is the system’s brightness sensor. The sensor adjusts the brightness of the screen depending on the amount of light present in the environment.
Nintendo Switchの液晶画面の下の方にある、少し色の変わった部分は何? もしかして気泡では……と思われる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、実はこれ、画面の明るさを自動調節するための「明るさセンサー」なんです。#Switchの機能 pic.twitter.com/WMz9HcTpJz
— 任天堂サポート (@nintendo_cs) January 23, 2020
Thanks, Brandon.