Valerie & Slyveon Officially Confirmed As Free Story Sync Pair For Pokemon Masters
DeNA has announced the next free story Sync Pair coming to Pokemon Masters.
As part of the release of Chapters 22 ~ 25 of the Main Story, Kalos’ Fairy Type Gym Leader Valerie and her partner Sylveon will be added as a free story Sync Pair for clearing the Chapters. As a reminder, the Story Update is set to drop on February 24th.
「★4 マーシュ&ニンフィア」を仲間にすることができます!マーシュ
📝印象的な言葉遣いをするジムリーダー。その独特なファッションは、ポケモンになりたい彼女が自分でデザインしている。どうぞお楽しみに!#ポケマス pic.twitter.com/JGHjC1I9ne
— 【公式】ポケマスEXだいすきクラブ (@pokemas_game) February 23, 2020
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