Datamine: Diving, Seafood, Vegetables, Bushes, And More Shops May Be Coming To Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Datamine: Diving, Seafood, Vegetables, Bushes, And More Shops May Be Coming To Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Dataminer Ninji, who has been digging through the code of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, has discovered another treasure trove of hints for potential upcoming content for the game.

Firstly, Ninji has discovered more references hinting at the return of the popular character Redd and the Art Gallery, as well as the return of Brewster in the museum cafe. In particular, more details about how Redd may make his appearance on the island to peddle his paintings were uncovered (Hint: It involves the “secret beach”).

Next, Ninji found references to bushes, vegetables, and seafood in the code. Bushes are a returning feature from previous games, while vegetables appear to be a new type of plant which players can grow and harvest. As for seafood, they appear to be acquired through the diving mechanic, which is currently not present in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Finally, references to a  third upgrade to Nook’s Cranny (currently there’s only two) were discovered, as well as new shops. The new shops include a possible Gardening shop, Museum shop, Real estate shop, and “Gallery”, although Ninji admits that it is unclear as to their exact nature.

Aside from these major finds, Ninji also found some other tidbits whose implications aren’t quite known yet. This includes a “list of doors” as well as unused item types for “Art” and “Dishes”.

If you want to find out more about Ninji’s discoveries, you can check out his full Twitter thread here.

As with all datamines, we caution players to take these findings with a grain of salt. There is no way to know for sure if these are all content planned for future updates, or just dummied out features that will never see the light of day. We will be sure to report back with more details as they come.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

