Jasmine & Steelix Spotlight Scout Announced For Pokemon Masters
DeNA has officially announced the next spotlight scout event for Pokemon Masters.
The next new Sync Pair to join the cast is Jasmine & Steelix, the Steel-Type Gym Leader from the Johto Region along with her signature Pokemon. A video of their Sync Move in action was also shared:
バディーズサーチに「★5 ミカン&ハガネール」が登場予定です!「ミカン&ハガネール」のバディーズわざ「鉄壁ガードのアイアンテール」をご紹介します!#ポケマス #ミカン #ハガネール pic.twitter.com/D8LdhLWzhU
— 【公式】ポケマスEXだいすきクラブ (@pokemas_game) May 19, 2020
According to a previous datamine, this spotlight scout banner will go live on the 21st of May. We will be sure to bring more details as they come.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.