Fan-Art: Fanmade Trailer Reimagines Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl With A More Detailed Artstyle
Last month, The Pokemon Company revealed Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Switch remakes of the classic Gen 4 Pokemon games that features a “chibi” artstyle meant to be reminiscent of the original games’ graphics.
Although there were many fans who were excited for the remakes, there were also some who were a bit disappointed by the decision to retain the chibi aesthetic, as they were expecting the remakes to have a more detailed and realistic style similar to Pokemon Sword And Shield or Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
One such fan was @millenniumloops, who took it upon themselves to reimagine the trailer for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in this more detailed artstyle. After posting some images on Twitter, Milleniumloops eventually uploaded a full length fanmade trailer for this alternative version of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl to Youtube, which you can watch for yourself below:
What do you think? Would you have preferred Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in this artstyle? Let us know in the comments.