Random: The Pokemon Company Accidentally Calls Palkia “Dialga” On Shiny Zacian/Zamazenta Flyer
Last week, The Pokemon Company began distributing flyers for the Shiny Zacian and Zamazenta event in various Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia, Phillipines, Thailand, and Singapore.
Aside from the Shiny Zacian and Shiny Zamazenta codes, the flyer also contains some promotional advertising for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl as well as Pokemon Legends Arceus. In the Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl section, an amusing typo has been discovered where the Shining Pearl legendary Palkia is accidentally labelled as “Dialga”, the name of the opposing cover Legendary.
Since then, the Pokemon Company has issued an official apology for the mistake, found on its official Singapore and Philippines website.
There was an error in the “Shiny Zacian and Shiny Zamazenta” flyer that has been distributed since October 22 where the Pokemon was labeled as Dialga when it was supposed to be Palkia.
We formally announce an apology and correction for the error.
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