Fire Emblem Engage Introduces Main Character Alear And Dragon Guardian Vander
Following the game’s official reveal, Nintendo has begun publishing character profiles for the cast of Fire Emblem Engage.
At the time of this writing, the official Fire Emblem Twitter account has posted two sets of character introductions. Firstly, we have the main character Alear the Divine Dragon who originally sealed the Fell Dragon 1000 years ago. Having slept for all that time, they appear to have lost their memories. You can read a translation of the profiles below, via SatsumaFS.
本作の主人公は神竜「リュール」。(CV:下野紘さん、遠藤綾さん)千年前、邪竜を封印した後、聖地「リトス」で眠っていましたが、ある日突如目覚めました。長い間眠っていたからか、自分が何者であるか思い出せないようです。#FEエンゲージ pic.twitter.com/Fxw3I30rAs
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) September 14, 2022
Alear: Where am I? You two are…?
Girl: Are you the Divine Dragon?
Boy: You're the Divine Dragon, right?— Sets (@SatsumaFS) September 14, 2022
The next profile is for Vander, one of the Dragon Guardians that has been protecting Alear during their slumber.
Vander is the 32nd "Dragon Guardian", who protects the Divine Dragon in the Holy Land Lithos. He has cared for the sleeping Alear for a long time, and is a reliable ally who has sworn an oath of loyalty. He puts his duty as Guardian first, and is very serious and strict.
— Sets (@SatsumaFS) September 16, 2022
ヴァンドレとリュールの会話です。代々リトスを守る「竜の守り人」としてリュールを大切に思っているのが伝わりますね。#FEエンゲージ pic.twitter.com/AXitKZE2EY
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) September 16, 2022
Vander: I am the 32nd "Dragon Guardian", Vander.
Alear: "Vander…-san."
Vander: "I am undeserving. Please, just call me Vander."
— Sets (@SatsumaFS) September 16, 2022
Fire Emblem Engage launches 20th January 2023 for Switch.
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