Nintendo Japan Now Accepting Refunds For Unused WiiU/3DS Eshop Balance

Nintendo Japan Now Accepting Refunds For Unused WiiU/3DS Eshop Balance

Earlier this year, the WiiU and 3DS eshops officially closed down, with any unused credit balance being transferable to a Nintendo Account up until March 2024.

Over in Japan, Nintendo has recently announced that they will be offering refunds of unused WiiU and 3DS eshop credit balance for players who do not wish to merge it with their Nintendo Account. Of course, this service is not available for players who have already combined merged their unused WiiU/3DS credit into their Nintendo Account.

At the time of this writing, it is not known if this service will eventually be offered to regions outside of Japan. Stay tuned for more updates as they come.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
