Pokemon Scarlet/Violet “Paldean Winds Cetitan” Mystery Gift Code Now Live
The Pokemon Company has released a new mystery gift code for Pokemon Scarlet And Violet.
The code is L1KEAFLUTE, and will allow players to obtain a Cetitan based on the one that appears in the first episode of Pokemon: Paldean Winds, which premiered earlier today. The Cetitan has the following attributes:
Level: 50
Nature: Random
Ability: Thick Fat or Slush Rush
Held Item: No Item
Tera Type: Ice
- Body Slam
- Amnesia
- Ice Spinner
- Double-Edge
The code will only be valid until 31 August 2024, so be sure to redeem it while you can by following these steps:
- Launch your Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet game.
- Unlock Mystery Gift by playing through the Main Story and reaching the first Pokemon Center.
- Select Poke Portal on the X menu.
- Select Mystery Gift.
- Select Get via Internet to connect to the internet.
- Watch as the gift arrives in your game. (Pokémon will appear in your party or your Pokémon Boxes.)
- Be sure to save your game.
Let us know what you think in the comments!