Seven Quagsire Poke Lid Covers Installed In The Kochi Prefecture
As reported previously, The Pokemon Company has been installing various “Poke Lid” manhole covers with special Pokemon themes across Japan as part of a larger initiative to boost tourism across the country. Well, here are more fresh designs that will be brightening up the country’s streets soon!
Japan’s Kochi prefecture will be receiving its first Poke Lid covers featuring their recently appointed mascot Pokemon Quagsire. Seven covers will be installed within various cities in the region.
Here’s a closer look at the new designs below:
If you want to find out roughly where to find these beautiful manhole covers, check out the links below:
- Clodsire + Quagsire
- Phione + Finneon + Quagsire
- Lileep + Cleffa + Quagsire
- Dewpider + Yanma + Quagsire
- Altaria + Quagsire
- Cacturne + Corsola + Quagsire
- Pawniard + Deino + Quagsire
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.