Alliance Alive Developer Cattle Call Has Started Switch Development
It looks like Japanese video game developer Cattle Call has started developing new titles for Nintendo Switch.
Cattle Call is a developer that worked on several Nintendo 3DS JRPGs, from Alliance Alive to Legend of Legacy. As Cattle Call’s games are usually published by publishers such as Atlus, we’ll have to wait and see what’s in the pipeline.
Besides this news, Cattle Call has been teasing something new on their new Opoona JP account alongside ArtePiazza, so an official reveal might really be on the way.
地球の皆さん こんにちは。
ボクの名前は オプーナです。初めて 地球の皆さんとお会いしたのは
ボクたち家族が ランドロール星に
不時着した 2007年11月1日。ボクたち ティティア星人は
地球時間だと 約10年で1才
歳をとるので 13才になりました。— オプーナ(opoona) (@opoona_jp) September 4, 2018
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