Analyst Explains How Nintendo Switch Sales Are Still Successful

Analyst Explains How Nintendo Switch Sales Are Still Successful

 Nintendo recently shared its financial results, and with them, the company lowered its goal of 20 million Switch units to be shipped this fiscal year to 17 million.

In reaction to that, Nintendo’s stock value collapsed by 9.19% from 33,830 yen to 30,720 yen today on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Ace Research Institute analyst Hideki Yasuda share an opposing view on how the Switch’s sales are going and mentioned it in his report published  on February 1st.

Yasuda-san explains that with 14.49 million units shipped in the first three quarters of the fiscal year and 32.28 million units shipped in the console’s lifetime, the dropped annual forecast is causing people to misunderstand that the Switch isn’t selling well.

In reality, according to Yasuda-san, it’s selling at a quite high pace. Compared to the PS4, which is the most successful recent example, shipments at the eighth quarter of each console’s lifetime are higher by three million in favor of the Switch.

What do you think about this explanation? Let us know in the comments.
