Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story Launches April 26 On Switch
After the success of A Normal Lost Phone’s release on Nintendo Switch, Seaven Studios has announced it’ll be bringing Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story to the system on April 26, 2018.
In Another Lost Phone, players must piece together elements from different apps, messages, and photos in order to progress and find out the truth behind Laura’s social life. The Switch version of Another Lost Phone supports touch screen controls, HD Rumble, and portrait mode.
Watch the trailer and check out an overview of the game below.
You have just found a phone. Now find out the truth: explore the social life of Laura in this spiritual sequel to A Normal Lost Phone.
This game is designed as a narrative investigation where you must piece together elements from the different applications, messages and pictures to progress. Scrolling through the phone’s content, you will find out everything about Laura: her friendships, her professional life and the events that led to her mysterious disappearance and the loss of this phone.
The Nintendo Switch version developed by Seaven Studio adds portrait mode with touch screen and HD Rumble support, making sure the immersive and intuitive way of delivering the game’s narrative through a fake smartphone interface is kept intact. The game is also playable in landscape on tabletop and TV mode by pointing joycons to the screen.