Blaster Master Zero 3 Version 1.1.2 Now Live, Updates Mini-Map And Resolves Various Issues

Blaster Master Zero 3 Version 1.1.2 Now Live, Updates Mini-Map And Resolves Various Issues

The version 1.1.2 update for Blaster Master Zero 3 is now available for download.

You can check out the full patch notes below, from Inti Creates’ website. In particular, the update improves the mini-map system with new icon colors for different items, and also tackles various issues that previously prevented players from progressing further into the game.


  • Item icons on the mini-map will now appear as different colors depending on item type as follows:
    ・LIFE ENERGY GUARD β (Green)
    ・Other items (Light blue)
  • An issue where sticking to a wall as G-SOPHIA SV under certain circumstances would cause the player to be unable to progress has been fixed.
  • An issue with the controls on the sub-menu screen after settings were changed has been fixed.
  • Some areas where the player may have gotten stuck or out of bounds have been revised.
  • Various other small fixes have been implemented.

We’ll report back if more updates head to the game in the future. Stay tuned!