Bowser: Nintendo Switch Lite Didn’t Cannibalize Nintendo Switch Sales
Nintendo of America President Doug Bowser recently shared about how the Nintendo Switch Lite is doing with The Verge.
Bowser said that the Switch Lite was a success – it increased the sell-through rate for the Nintendo Switch family and didn’t negatively impact Nintendo Switch hardware sales. He also revealed that 57% of those who purchased a Switch Lite are new to the Nintendo Switch family, while 43% bought it as a second system.
See his full comments below:
“It’s not only raised the sell-through for the overall family, but importantly it did so without any negative impact on our flagship system,” Bowser says of Switch Lite sales. “Said another way, Nintendo Switch Lite sales have been additive to the overall Switch business. I’ll talk to the inverse, which is 57 percent of the consumers are new to the Nintendo Switch family, and that’s equally important to us as we continue to expand the audience. One of the important trends we’re also seeing with Nintendo Switch Lite is a higher percent of female consumers are buying a Nintendo Switch Lite, which is a strong indicator of the appeal to a broader audience.”
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