Check Out Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology’s Battle System Trailer

Check Out Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology’s Battle System Trailer

Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology features an extensive yet simple battle system which lets you perform all sorts of attacks and tactics.

A trailer showing how the battle system works and more details can be found below.

The game launches February 13, 2018 on Nintendo 3DS.

In Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, it takes a well thought out strategy to maximize your attacks because the battle system is more than a simple turn-based mechanic. Here is what you can do to turn the system to your advantage:
  • Maneuver adversaries around the battle grid
  • Strike multiple foes in one attack
  • Shift your enemy or team’s attack order to take full advantage of capabilities using the change command
  • Receive combat aid with new support skills
  • Finish off opponents with a devastating blow using mana burst abilities
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