Chinese Man Brings Nintendo Labo To Talent Show, Claims It’s His Own Invention

Chinese Man Brings Nintendo Labo To Talent Show, Claims It’s His Own Invention

Today we have a very strange piece of news to share from mainland China, this time involving Nintendo Labo.

It seems that during a popular talent show that’s hosted in China, a Chinese man brought two Toy-Con Pianos he has constructed to play a few songs to the audience. While this may be seem fine and dandy, the contestant told the judges that the Toy-Con Pianos are his very own creations.

It seems that the judges were unaware that the instruments were designed by Nintendo, rather than the contestant who claimed he designed and engineered it. Chinese commentators online obviously knew that the man was lying through his teeth, and were shocked and disgusted by his behavior.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
