“Close Quarters Combat” Online Tournament Starts September 18th For Smash Ultimate
Nintendo has announced the next online tournament starting for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on September 18th, 2020.
This time, the tournament revolves around fighters who fight at close range, including Little Mac, Captain Falcon, Ike, and more. Fighters that rely on projectile attacks will not be allowed to participate. The tournament will run for three days starting this Friday.
9/18(金)から3日間、「飛び道具なしの1on1! 接近戦トーナメント」を開催! 飛び道具を持たないファイターのみ出場できる、ストック制のトーナメントです。終点化ステージで接近戦の醍醐味を味わってみてください。#スマブラSP pic.twitter.com/tg8XnX92C2— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) September 16, 2020
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