Cotton Reboot! Japanese Limited Edition Revealed, Launches February 25th 2021
Beep has revealed a limited edition physical release for Cotton Reboot!, which is headed for Switch early next year in Japan.
The limited edition physical release will be released on February 25th 2021 for Japan, same day as the standard edition, and will include the following goodies:
- Manual-style original booklet
- Original teacup featuring illustration by Hideki Tamura
- Original soundtrack CD (with case)
- Rerpint of 1991 instruction card
- Reprint of 1991 POP (point of purchase) display
- Original instruction card
- Limited edition original case
More details on where to purchase the limited edition can be found on Beep’s official website here.
In addition, a new trailer for the game was also released, which you can find below:
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