Diablo III: Eternal Collection Developer Explains Lack Of Touch-screen Controls
Diablo III Eternal Collection’s Senior Producer has commented on the lack of touch-screen controls for the upcoming Nintendo Switch port.
In a recent interview with Shack News, Peter Stilwell mentions the following:
“We did experiment with touch, but decided not to go with it. When we had done the work to bring the game to console, touch wasn’t a thing. So it’s really well-designed to run with the thumb sticks and the buttons, so we stuck with that. But if you take a Joy-Con off and are just using a single Joy-Con, which we do support, you use flick to roll, because you don’t have a second thumb stick.”
It looks like the game was designed from the very beginning to focus on playing with joy-con, after all.
You can also check out the whole interview in full below