Dragalia Lost Receives Christmas Greeting Artwork
It looks like Nintendo and Cygames have not forgotten Dragalia Lost fans amidst of all the Christmas cheer.
The companies released a new piece of pretty artwork today for fans to enjoy. In particular, the artwork features Sarisse and Hildegarde – the latter of which is a recent addition to the mobile game’s Christmas event.
Check them out below.
サンメテオールに扮した聖城の仲間たちから、ゲームをプレイしていただいているすべてのプレイヤーの皆様へ、プレゼントが贈られました!https://t.co/9Eqp0Dmj6r#ドラガリ pic.twitter.com/zXtRrOyd3i— ドラガリアロスト公式 (@dragalialost) December 25, 2018