E3 Announces It’s Officially Over
After decades of expos, E3 has officially come to a close.
A message on X(Formerly Twitter) shared this morning reads:
After more than two decades of E3, each one bigger than the last, the time has come to say goodbye.
Thanks for the memories.
Their website echoes the same message and is otherwise completely blank.
This comes after years of issues that were accelerated by the pandemic which restricted in person events such as E3 which had a massive focus on connecting journalist, fans, and the gaming industry every year at the Los Angeles convention center.
The last post before this one was the official cancellation of E3 2023 after numerous presenters dropped out back in March.
ESA(the Entertainment Software Association) which hosts the event also shared a message:
After more than two decades of serving as a central showcase for the video game industry, ESA has decided to end E3. ESA remains focused on advocating for ESA member companies and the industry workforce who fuel positive cultural and economic impact every day.
What do you think about this announcement? Did you ever get to attend E3 in person? Let us know in the comments.