Emily Rogers: Pokemon Switch Will Be Revealed Before May Ends

Emily Rogers: Pokemon Switch Will Be Revealed Before May Ends

Industry insider and ResetERA forum administrator Emily Rogers has dropped a huge bombshell on the upcoming Pokemon RPG for Nintendo Switch today.

In a blog post on her personal website, Emily wrote the Pokemon RPG for Nintendo Switch will be formally announced “before the end of this month”, in other words by the end of May 2018. She also hinted that the name for the two versions of Pokemon Switch “might raise a few eyebrows”.

This was a follow up to her post on ResetERA a few days ago, which teased an announcement is “not that far away“.

Emily also pondered about what Pokemon GO meant for the future of the core Pokemon series, whether it’s in terms of accessories similar to Pokemon GO Plus and the lessons Game Freak and Nintendo could apply from Pokemon GO’s success to the core Pokemon games.

What do you think? Are you prepared for Pokemon Switch’s announcement? Let us know in the comments!
