In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Kirby has the ability to inhale other challengers, spit them out, and receive their special ability.
Every character that Kirby absorbs gives it a different appearance. While we know how Kirby looks like after absorbing most characters, one that we do not know is Piranha Plant.
Super Smash Bros. fan TheKryce has created a simple mockup envisioning how Kirby will look like after absorbing Piranha Plant, and it’s pretty freaky:
We feel TheKryce’s mockup should be close to whatever Nintendo has in mind.
Today, Nintendo released Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Version 2.0.0, adding the new fighter Piranha Plant. Many people wondered how Kirby would look like after absorbing Piranha Plant, so today we have an answer. Unlike the artist's impression we shared with you earlier, Kirby Piranha Plant looks really, really cute and…
Wondering how Kirby looks with all 70+ of the copy abilities in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, so far? Thanks to GameXplain, you can now check out a brief overview of Kirby's many forms in the fighting game. For those unaware, the pink puff-ball can absorb the appearance and abilities of other…
As you all know, Mai Shiranui, a character from the SNK brand, isn't making it into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as the game is for "good boys and girls". Well fortunately for those of you who wondered how Kirby would look like if he absorbed Mai Shiranui, you can check…
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