Farfetch’d And Sirfetch’d Pokemon Trademarks Registered In Japan
Nintendo, Creatures Inc., and Game Freak, the owners of the Pokemon brand, have registered new trademarks for two Pokemon in Japan.
The two trademarks are for ネギガナイト (Negiganaito AKA Sirfetch’d) and カモネギ (Kamonegi AKA Farfetch’d), and have been registered shortly after the former was revealed to the public. The Sirfetch’d trademark not only covers its use for videogame purposes, but also for food items while Farfetch’d’s trademark is only for food items.
Could this mean the Pokemon company is planning on creating a series of themed dishes literally embodying Farfetch’d’s Japanese name? We will be sure to report back with all the details should that be the case!
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.