Fire Emblem: Three Houses Korean Singer Feels Honored To Sing For The Game

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Korean Singer Feels Honored To Sing For The Game

Korean video game website Ruliweb has published an interview with Fire Emblem: Three Houses Korean singer Kim Hye-mi, who sung for the game’s Korean theme song.

Thanks to NintendoSoup reader Brandon who helped to translate the interview we can learn more about the Korean singer for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

In the interview, Kim revealed that the song was recorded in a studio in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. This is the first time Kim has ever recorded a song for a video game. She feels honored to be chosen for this role as one of her dreams was recording a song for a video game.

Before recording the song, Kim spent one week listening to the original Japanese theme song to learn the emotions expressed in the song so she could convey it in the Korean version.

Kim also revealed she’s a gamer. Her love for video games started after her father purchased a Nintendo handheld system when she was still in elementary school. Some of Kim’s favorite games include Animal Crossing, Just Dance, and Mario Kart.

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