Fire Emblem: Three Houses Pop Up Parade Edelgard And Bernadette Announced
Good Smile Company has announced two new Pop Up Parade figures for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Pop Up Parade figures featuring Edelgard and Bernadette in their pre-timeskip appearances are now up for pre-order on Good Smile’s online store. Both figures will be launching in November 2022 for Japan and in January 2023 for the west. They will be the first figures in Good Smile’s Pop Up Parade series for Three Houses, and will be followed up by figures of Dimitri, Felix, Claude, and Lysithea at a later date.
グッドスマイルカンパニーさんのPOP UP PARADEに、『風花雪月』からエーデルガルトとベルナデッタが登場。現在予約受付中です。ディミトリ、フェリクス、クロード、リシテアも順次リリース予定。詳細は以下よりご確認ください。#FEグッズ #FE風花雪月https://t.co/QKPY2MihTIhttps://t.co/J2pR9pNS0K pic.twitter.com/5ULBaisp0F
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) June 21, 2022
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