Fly with Koraidon or Miraidon in The Indigo Disk

Fly with Koraidon or Miraidon in The Indigo Disk

Fly through the skies with your Legendary Pokémon Koraidon or Miraidon and enjoy the sense of freedom that only an open world can provide in part 2 of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC.

As revealed in the DLC trailer from earlier this year, players will be able to move more freely through the air after progressing through the Indigo Disk. Currently players can only ride their Legendary Pokemon for a short time in the air before falling from the air which has been a sharp contrast with Pokemon Legends Arceus which allowed you to fly indefinitely.

According to the a new article on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s website:

The Legendary Pokémon Koraidon or Miraidon will gain the power to fly for the first time when you take on the Elite Trial set by Amarys of the BB League Elite Four. While at first this power is believed to be just temporarily imparted, it can apparently be made permanent, allowing Koraidon and Miraidon to fly at any time—but only once you’ve made it far enough in your adventure.

The opening scene for the game also shows Koraidon or Miraidon(depending on your game version) flying around which hinted that this may be a future feature that’s unlocked though in the base game flight has been very limited.

What do you think about this method for unlocking true flight? Let us know in the comments below.
