Guide: Tips To Complete Pokemon Scarlet/Violet’s 7 Star Ghost Type Typhlosion Tera Raid
Over the course of this weekend, Pokemon Scarlet And Violet players will be challenging a 7 Star Tera Raid which features a Ghost Tera Type Typhlosion.
Aside from being the only way to obtain Typhlosion in the game currently, the 7 Star Tera Raid gives out a great deal of useful rewards such as Vitamins, Rare Candies, and Ability Patches. This makes being able to complete the raid consistently extremely useful. Below you will find some quick tips and tricks for beating this Raid Battle, as discovered and shared by many members of the Pokemon community.
How To Unlock 7-Star Raids
In order to even participate in this raid battle, players will need to progress far enough in the game to qualify for 7-Star raids. This essentially means meeting the following requirements:
- Have completed the story and seen the end credits
- Have completed all Gym Rematches and the Academy Ace Tournament
- Have completed 10 or more raids rated 4* and above.
Once you have completed these steps, the 7-Star Raid will appear both in your overworld as well as on the Tera Raid board.
Typhlosion’s Ability and Moves
- The Tera Raid Typhlosion has a Ghost Tera-Type, meaning that it does more damage with its Ghost moves in addition to its Fire moves.
- As a Ghost Tera-Type, it is weak to Dark And Ghost type attacks.
- Typhlosion’s Ability is Flash Fire, which makes it immune to Fire-Type attacks, which will instead boost the power of its own Fire-Type moves.
- Typhlosion’s notable moves include the following:
- Eruption ~ Powerful Fire-Type Special Attack that hits all foes, but its power decreases as Typhlosion’s HP lowers.
- Shadow Ball ~Powerful Ghost-Type Special Attack that has a chance to lower the opponent’s Sp.Defense.
- Play Rough ~ Powerful Fairy-Type Physical Attack that has a chance to lower the opponent’s Attack.
- Earthquake ~ Powerful Ground-Type Physical Attack that hits all foes.
- Sunny Day ~ Sets us sunny weather, which boosts the power of Fire-Type attacks and lowers the power of Water-Type attacks.
- Typhlosion’s Battle Behaviour
- Early on in the fight, Typhlosion will clear your Pokemon’s buffs and disable its ability for one turn.
- After its HP is reduced enough, Typhlosion will use Sunny Day to boost its Fire-Type moves, then use Eruption.
- At half or lower HP, Typholosion will reset its stats back to normal, clearing any potential debuffs applied to it.
General Recommendations
- Avoid using Pokemon with a weakness to Fire, Ghost, Fairy, and Ground moves. Fainting in battle reduces the timer, and if it reaches zero before Typhlosion is defeated, everyone will fail the raid battle.
- Use Level 100 Pokemon to maximize your chance of successfully completing the raid.
- Use Vitamins to maximize your Pokemon’s key stats to increase your chance of successfully completing the Raid.
- Use Cheers when necessary
- Go For It! ~ Boosts Attacking stats.
- Heal Up! ~ Heals HP and cures Status conditions.
- Use moves which reduce Typhlosion’s stats
- Reduce Def or Sp.Def to take it down faster.
- Reduce Atk or Sp.Atk to prevent it from fainting your Pokemon.
- Use Pokemon with a Dark or Ghost Tera-Type to take down its Tera Shield.
- Have Pokemon which can set up weather outside of Sunny Day (e.g. Rain, Sandstorm) to remove Sunny weather.
Recommended Pokemon
- Although the Ghost/Fighting typing takes super-effective damage from Typhlosion’s moves, Annihilape’s other characteristics make it well-equipped to defeat Typhlosion solo.
- Ability Defiant boosts its Attack stat if its own stats are lowered, which may happen since Typhlosion has some moves which lower opposing Pokemon stats.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Adamant Nature to raise Atk
- Max out Atk with Protein
- Max out HP with HPUp
- Recommended Moves:
- Rage Fist ~ Powerful Physical Ghost-Type attack that does more damage the more times Annihilape is hit, this effect continues to stack even after Annihilape faints and revives.
- Screech ~ Status move which lowers the opponent’s Defense stat.
- Bulk Up ~ Status move which raises Annihilape’s Attack and Defense.
- Recommended Items:
- Shell Bell ~ Recovers HP when attacking.
- Strategy (Solo Attacker)
- Start by using Screech one or two times.
- Use Rage Fist continuously, its power will continue to increase as Typhlosion hits Annihilape with attacks. This effect will continue even if Annilhilape faints a few times.
- Once the Tera Orb is charged, ensure your Annihilape is at near full HP before Terastalizing, allow it to faint if necessary.
- Continue to use Rage Fist until Typhlosion is defeated.
- Rock/Dark typing is resistant to Typhlosion’s Eruption and Shadow Ball. Tyranitar’s naturally high Defense stat will also make it able to take hits from Typhlosion’s super-effective Fairy and Ground type moves.
- Ability Sand Stream sets up sandstorm weather, which boosts the Sp.Defense of Rock-Type Pokemon, which will be helpful against Typhlosion’s powerful Special moves.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Adamant Nature to raise Atk
- Max out Atk with Protein
- Max out HP with HPUp.
- Recommended Moves:
- Crunch ~ Powerful Physical Dark-Type attack that does damage with a chance to make the opponent flinch, and unable to attack for one turn.
- Screech ~ Status move which lowers the opponent’s Defense stat.
- Thunder Wave ~ Status move that can paralyze the opponent
- Iron Defense ~ Status move which increases Tyranitar’s Defense stat.
- Recommended Items:
- Shell Bell ~ Recovers HP when attacking.
- Strategy (Attacker)
- Start by using Screech one or two times.
- Use Crunch continuously to deal supereffective damage to Typhlosion.
- Once the Tera Orb is charged, Terastalize into a Dark-Type
- Continue to use Crunch until Typhlosion is defeated.
- You can use Iron Defense to boost your Defense and protect yourself from Typhlosion’s supereffective moves.
- Fire/Dark typing is resistant to most of Typhlosion’s moves.
- Ability Beads Of Ruin lowers the Sp.Defense stats of all Pokemon, allowing Chi-Yu’s Special moves to deal more damange.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Modest Nature to Raise Sp.Attack.
- Max out Sp.Atk with Calcium
- Max out HP with HPUp
- Recommended Moves:
- Dark Pulse ~ Powerful Special Dark-Type attack that does damage with a chance to make the opponent flinch, and unable to attack for one turn.
- Nasty Plot~ Status move which increases Chi-Yu’s Sp.Atk stat.
- Taunt ~ Stops Typhlosion from using status moves such as Sunny Day.
- Reflect ~ Status move which increases halves the power of the opponent’s Physical moves, which can protect Chi-Yu from a supereffective Earthquake or Play Rough.
- Recommended Items:
- Shell Bell ~ Recovers HP when attacking.
- Strategy (Solo Attacker)
- Start by using Nasty Plot three times.
- Use Dark Pulse continuously to deal supereffective damage to Typhlosion.
- Once the Tera Orb is charged, Terastalize into a Dark-Type
- Continue to use Dark Pulse until Typhlosion is defeated.
- If Typhlosion’s Tera Shield is down, you can use Taunt to stop it from using Sunny Day.
- Use Reflect or Light Screen to improve survivability.
- Fairy typing is resistant or neutral to most of Typhlosion’s moves.
- Ability Well-Baked Body makes it immune to Fire-Type attacks, which will increase its Defense instead.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Adamant Nature to raise Atk
- Max out Atk with Protein
- Max out HP with HPUp.
- Recommended Moves:
- Crunch ~ Powerful Physical Dark-Type attack that does damage with a chance to make the opponent flinch, and unable to attack for one turn.
- Howl ~ Raises the Attack stat of self and all allied Pokemon
- Snarl ~ Does damage and reduces the opponent’s Sp.Atk
- Charm ~ Reduces the Attack stat of the opponent.
- Helping Hand ~ Increases the power of an ally’s move by 50%, useful in multiplayer.
- Recommended Items:
- Ability Shield ~ Prevents Typhlosion from nullifying Dachsbun’s ability
- Strategy (Support)
- Use Snarl and Charm to reduce Typhlosion’s offensive stats.
- Use Helping Hand to boost the power of your teammates’ attacking moves.
- When the Tera Shield comes up, Terastalize and use Crunch to help break Typhlosion’s Tera Shield.
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