Guide: Tips To Complete Pokemon Scarlet/Violet’s Mightiest Mark Venusaur Tera Raid
Over the course of this weekend, Pokemon Scarlet And Violet players will be challenging a 7 Star Tera Raid which features a Ground Tera Type Venusaur with the Mightiest Mark.
Aside from being the one of the few ways to obtain Venusaurwithout Pokemon HOME or trading, the 7 Star Tera Raid gives out a great deal of useful rewards such as Vitamins, Rare Candies, Ability Patches, and most notably, Herba Mystica. This makes being able to complete the raid consistently extremely useful. Below you will find some quick tips and tricks for beating this Raid Battle, as discovered and shared by many members of the Pokemon community.
How To Unlock 7-Star Raids
In order to even participate in this raid battle, players will need to progress far enough in the game to qualify for 7-Star raids. This essentially means meeting the following requirements:
- Have completed the story and seen the end credits
- Have completed all Gym Rematches and the Academy Ace Tournament
- Have completed 10 or more raids rated 4* and above.
Once you have completed these steps, the 7-Star Raid will appear both in your overworld as well as on the Tera Raid board.
Venusaur’s Ability and Moves
- The Tera Raid Venusaur has a Ground Tera-Type, meaning that it does more damage with its Ground moves in addition to its Grass and Poison moves.
- As a Ground Tera-Type, it is weak to Grass, Water, and Ice type attacks.
- Venusaur’s Ability is Chlorophyll, which boosts its Speed stat in Sunny weather.
- Venusaur’s notable moves include the following:
- Earth Power ~ Ground type Special Attack which has a chance to lower the opponent’s Sp.Defense stat.
- Sludge Bomb ~ Poison type Special Attack which has a chance to badly poison the opponent.
- Giga Drain ~ Grass type Special Attack which drains the opponent’s HP.
- Amnesia ~ Status move which boosts the user’s Sp.Defense stat.
- Sunny Day ~ Status move which sets up Sunny weather
- Growth ~ Status move which boosts the user’s Attack and Sp.Attack stats by one stage, its effect is doubled in Sunny weather
- Petal Blizzard ~ Grass type Special Attack which damages all other Pokemon on the field.
- Venusaur’s Battle Behaviour
- 99% Time Remaining ~ Venusaur uses Sunny Day
- 98% Time Remaining ~ Venusaur uses Growth
- 97% Time Remaining ~ Venusaur uses Petal Blizzard
- 85% Time Remaining ~ Venusaur resets the players’ Stats & Status and negates their Pokemon’s ability for one turn.
- 80% Time Remaining OR 80% HP Remaining ~ Venusaur sets up its Tera Shield
- 80% HP Remaining~ Venusaur resets its own Stats & Status
- 50% HP Remaining ~ Venusaur uses Sunny Day
General Recommendations
- Avoid using Pokemon with a weakness to Grass, Poison, and Ground moves. Fainting in battle reduces the timer, and if it reaches zero before the raid boss is defeated, everyone will fail the raid battle.
- Avoid using any moves and abilities that set up Sunny weather. These will boost Venusaur’s speed stat, potentially allowing it to move first and KO your Pokemon more easily.
- Use Level 100 Pokemon to maximize your chance of successfully completing the raid.
- Use Vitamins to maximize your Pokemon’s key stats to increase your chance of successfully completing the Raid.
- Use Cheers when necessary
- Go For It! ~ Boosts Attacking stats.
- Heal Up! ~ Heals HP and cures Status conditions.
Recommended Pokemon
- Grass/Fighting typing makes resistant to most of Venusaur’s attacks.
- Ability Bulletproof makes it immune to bomb or ball moves, including Venusaur’s powerful Sludge Bomb.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Adamant Nature.
- Max out Atk stat with Protein
- Max out Sp.Def stat with Zinc
- Recommended Moves:
- Seed Bomb~ Grass-Type Physical attack move
- Swords Dance ~ Status move that sharply raises the user’s Attack stat.
- Spiky Shield ~ Blocks the opponent’s attack. Secondary effect lowers the opponent’s attack stat if it used a contact move.
- Synthesis ~ Status move that heals the user’s HP, effect is boosted in Sunny Weather.
- Recommended Items:
- Shell Bell ~ Heals HP after attacking.
- Strategy (Main Attacker)
- Use Seed Bomb three times to charge your Tera Orb.
- When Venusaur removes the effect of your ability, use Spiky Shield to protect yourself for one turn.
- If solo, use a defense cheer to boost your defenses.
- Use Swords Dance 2 ~ 3 times to boost your attack, if Venusaur damages you to less than half HP, use Synthesis to recover.
- After your attack is boosted sufficiently, Terastalize to a Grass-Type and use Seed Bomb until Venusaur faints.
Hisuian Goodra
- Dragon/Steel typing is resists most of Venusaur’s moves.
- Ability Sap Sipper makes it immune to Grass-Type attacks, which will heal it instead.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Brave Nature
- Max out Atk stat with Protein
- Max out Sp.Def stat with Zinc
- Recommended Moves:
- Gyro Ball ~ Steel-Type physical move that does more damage the slower the user is than the opponent.
- Mas out Gyro Ball’s PP with a PP Max
- Protect ~ Blocks the opponent’s attack for one turn.
- Curse ~ Status move that boosts all the user’s attacking and defensive stats, but lowers the user’s speed.
- Iron Head ~ Steel-Type physical move that has a chance to make the opponent flinch if used first.
- Gyro Ball ~ Steel-Type physical move that does more damage the slower the user is than the opponent.
- Air Balloon ~ Makes the holder immune to Ground-Type moves, effect ends if it is damaged.
- Strategy (Main Attacker)
- The combination of Steel typing, Sap Sipper, and Air Balloon makes Hisuian Goodra completely immune to all of Venusaur’s attacking moves, meaning it cannot be damaged or fained.
- Use Iron Head three times to charge up your Tera Orb.
- When Venusaur removes the effect of your ability, use Protect to protect yourself for one turn.
- Use Curse six times to drop your Speed to the lowest possible.
- After your speed is lowered sufficiently, Terastalize to a Steel-Type and use Gyro Ball until Venusaur faints.
- Steel/Flying typing is immune or resistant to all of Venusaur’s moves.
- Ability Mirror Armor bounces back all stat lowering effects of moves.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Calm Nature
- Max out HP stat with HPUp
- Max out Sp.Def stat with Zinc
- Recommended Moves:
- Light Screen ~ Status move that protects allies from Special Attack moves.
- Screech ~ Status move which lowers the opponent’s Defense stat.
- Defog ~ Status move which clears buffs from all Pokemon on the field.
- Taunt ~ Status move which prevents the opponent from using their own status moves.
- Recommended Items:
- Light Clay ~ Increases the duration of screen moves from 5 turns to 8 turns.
- Strategy (Support)
- Use Defog to remove the effects of Venusaur’s Growth.
- Use Light Screen to protect allies from Venusaur’s Special attacks.
- Use Screech to lower Venusaur’s defenses for your allies.
- Use Taunt when Venusaur’s Tera Shield is down to prevent it from using Sunny Day again.
- Ice/Bug typing is neutral or resistant to all of Venusaur’s moves.
- Ability Ice Scales halves damage taken from Special Attack moves.
- Recommended Stat Spread
- Calm Nature
- Max out HP stat with HPUp
- Max out Sp.Def stat with Zinc
- Recommended Moves:
- Snowscape ~ Status move which sets up snowy weather
- Aurora Veil ~ Status move which protects allies from both physical and special moves, only works in Snowy weather
- Struggle Bug ~ Bug-Type special attack which reduces the opponent’s Special attack stat.
- Recommended Items:
- Light Clay ~ Increases the duration of screen moves from 5 turns to 8 turns.
- Strategy (Support)
- Use Snowscape to remove the effects of Sunny weather
- Use Aurora Veil to protect allies from Venusaur’s Special attacks.
- Use Struggle Bug to lower Venusaur’s Special attack stat, crippling its ability to damage you and your allies’ Pokemon.
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