Hackers Are Inserting Porn To Super Mario Odyssey

Hackers Are Inserting Porn To Super Mario Odyssey

Earlier this week, hackers discovered a way to make custom images as their profile picture on Nintendo Switch.

Some mischievous hackers have used that opportunity to set their profile picture to something that is totally inappropriate and indecent. The porn pictures have appeared in many games, including but not limited to Super Mario Odyssey.

An angry parent has warned users on Reddit about this matter, and advised other parents to turn off online functionality on their kids’ Nintendo Switch.

It seems hackers have found a way to insert indecent content into our children’s games.

It seems to be an issue with users’ profile pictures. The picture was changed several times over the course of my time patrolling, each picture being pornographic content.

There are multiple of these balloons all being made by the same user. This is obviously intentional, and made to upset children.

Unfortunately Nintendo has not found a solution to this problem, but hopefully they will soon.
