HAMSTER Has Released 100 Arcade Archives Titles On Switch
HAMSTER Corporation, the company that has released Arcade Archives titles since the Nintendo Switch launch, has celebrated a new milestone today.
According to HAMSTER, 100 Arcade Archives games have been released as of June 11, 2020. The company thanked players, developers, and Nintendo for their support.
Nintendo Switchのアーケードアーカイブスが100タイトルとなりました!これまで支えていただいたユーザーのみなさま、参入していただいたゲームメーカーのみなさま、そして任天堂のみなさま、本当にありがとうございました!#アケアカhttps://t.co/MXl1XlmqcW pic.twitter.com/x8Bvnnw6Mb
— HAMSTER Corporation (@HAMSTER_Corp) June 11, 2020
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