Here’s Marina And Pearl’s Bean Paste Splatfest Artwork
The official Japanese Splatoon 2 Twitter account has uploaded artwork for the upcoming Bean Paste Splatfest artwork featuring Off the Hook members Pearl and Marina in kimonos.
Japanese players will compete against each other in the first round of the Bean Paste Splatfest this weekend. Check out the artwork below.
アズキの収穫期に作るおはぎには皮の食感を活かした「つぶあん」を、ぼたもちには固くなった皮を除いた「こしあん」を使うことが多かったらしい。 pic.twitter.com/OJTuckuR8Y— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) September 19, 2018