Here’s The Patch Notes For Stardew Valley Performance Patch Ver.1.3.33
ConcernedApe and Chucklefish have rolled out a performance patch for Stardew Valley just recently. Now, we’ve got details on the change logs.
This latest patch can now be downloaded for Stardew Valley on Switch version worldwide. The patch, which has gone live since January 21, should fix the frame rate issue that occurs with bigger farms.
Here’s the change log:
- Stardew Valley 1.3.33 on Switch was released on 21 January 2019.
- Changes
- Improved performance in locations with lots of light sources (e.g. torches).
- Improved performance on farms with lots of animals.
- Tweaked new “H” health icon.
- Bug Fixes
Fixed multiplayer visual glitch when another player uses a tool and then starts moving in a new direction.
Fixed “fishing stance” visual glitches in multiplayer.