Indie Dev Praises Nintendo For Excellent Indie Support, Says Switch Is Easiest Platform To Work With
Since the launch of Nintendo Switch, Nintendo paid a lot of attention to wooing indies to develop for the system, something which had not been done much for previous platforms.
It looks like those efforts have been paying off. Luc Bernard, Chief Creative Officer of Arcade Distillery, heaped praises for Nintendo and Nintendo Switch.
When asked how the process was like to release a game on a platform, Bernard did not elaborate, but mentioned that the Switch was the easiest to work with.
“No, each platform has their own set of rules and submission processes. The easiest so far has been Switch. I can’t mention much because of NDAs, but that’s the easiest one.”
Then, he mentioned about his company’s working relationship with Nintendo. Bernard explained that Nintendo was “fast with emails”, and said Nintendo has done a “complete 180” in their approach to indies.
“[They’re] fast with E-mails, easy to get a hold of with developers – Nintendo has done a complete [180]. They’re pretty much how Sony was years ago. Sony was at the height of the indie scene and now it’s become kind of Nintendo who’s like that.
Now I know how to work with [all of them], but PlayStation isn’t as user-friendly. That’s the most I’ll say.”
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