Japan: FIFA 18 Switch Sees Sudden Increase In Sales, May Overtake PS4 Version

Japan: FIFA 18 Switch Sees Sudden Increase In Sales, May Overtake PS4 Version

A FIFA game selling more on Nintendo hardware than Sony may soon become reality in Japan.

According to stats provided by Dengeki Online, FIFA 18 sold 16,006 copies on Nintendo Switch in Japan last week. The huge bump in sales surprised many Japanese commentators as the Switch version has been consistently selling between 2000 to 6000 copies a week.

As of last week, the PS4 version of FIFA 18 has sold 77,892 copies lifetime, while the Switch version moved 64,379 copies. Since the PS4 version has slipped below Dengeki Online’s sales charts from Week 8 (latest week is Week 14), it’s safe to assume FIFA 18 Switch will overtake FIFA 18 PS4 in the weeks to come as long as it continues to maintain its sales momentum.

We’ll have to wait and see what happens next!
