Lumini Launches January 24 On Switch
2Awesome Studio has announced the price and launch details for Lumini on Nintendo Switch.
Lumini is scheduled to launch January 24, 2020 on the Nintendo eShop. The game will cost 9.99 €/$ and 8.39£. Customers who pre-load the game will receive a 10% discount.
Trailer below:
We are honored to announce the release dates of Lumini for consoles. Playstation 4 will be the first to receive this relaxing adventure the 21th of January. Xbox One will be the second, 22th of January, and finally Nintendo Switch will receive it 24th of January.The game will appear at 9.99 €/$ and 8.39£, but if any user acquires it before the launch on Xbox One or Nintendo Switch the game will be 10% cheaper (8.99€/$ or 7.55£).