Microsoft Closes Multiple Studios, Including Developer Behind Hi-Fi Rush

Microsoft Closes Multiple Studios, Including Developer Behind Hi-Fi Rush

Microsoft has announced the closure of a number of its acquired game studios.

The studio closures include Redfall developer Arkane Austin, Alpha Dog Games, as well as Hi-Fi Rush Tango Gameworks. The latter is particularly shocking, as Hi-Fi Rush was one of 2023’s most well-received games, praised by critics and fans, as well as nominated for several game awards.

This news has led many to question the rumored Switch port of Hi-Fi Rush, whose existence was supported by datamines and a recent game rating. The wording of Tango Gameworks’ closure announcement “Hi-Fi RUSH… will remain available and playable everywhere they are today”, seems to hint that the game will no longer be able to launch on any new consoles.

Stay tuned for more updates as they come.

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