NetEase Official Account Insults Switch Gamers, Claims PC Games Are Superior To Switch Games
An official and verified social media account that belongs to Chinese video game giant NetEase has mocked Nintendo Switch owners on the Internet.
The account is for a NetEase game called Operation Windcloud Island, which is said to have plagiarized The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. A comment made by this account on smartphone app platform TapTap mocked Nintendo fans who don’t consider smartphone games real games and said all PC games are superior to games on Nintendo Switch. The account then started using derogatory terms to refer to both Nintendo Switch and PS4 fans.
After awhile, Operation Windcloud Island took down their comment and apologized in a nonchalant way. They claimed to be Nintendo fans that have joked too much. To back up their claims, the account posted a photo of their Nintendo Switch and games. Turns out it was a photo ripped off from the Internet.
What makes things worse is the boss of NetEase wants to work together with Nintendo. If he’s serious on doing that, he better start firing his social media team first.
Do you think the person behind this should be fired? Let us know in the comments below.