New Artwork Shared For Japan’s Pokemon Fossil Museum Exhibit
Last month, The Pokemon Company announced Pokemon Fossil Museum, a travelling exhibit which will combines Pokemon and paleontology. Well, here’s a fun bonus for Pokemon fans around the world!
The official Pokemon Information Bureau Twitter account in Japan has shared a new piece of artwork to drum up more excitement for the exhibit, which starts in July. Namely, it features both Excavation Pikachu and an Omanyte playing with each other!
You can find the full artwork in higher resolution below:
今日は #国際博物館の日 🏛#ポケモン化石博物館 のトップバッター、#三笠市立博物館 の特別アートを公開しちゃいます🎨❗
#発掘ピカチュウ と #オムナイト、とっても仲良しです😊https://t.co/9FYmQ2yBZG pic.twitter.com/UKiePsW2dv
— 【公式】ポケモン情報局 (@poke_times) May 18, 2021
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