A team of Japanese Nintendo Labo creators have built a fascinating Luigi's Mansion AR (augmented reality) game in Toy-Con Garage. Here's how it works - you enter a dark room, and if a Boo appears, you need to capture the Boo similar to how Luigi does with his Poltergust 3000.…
Nintendo has published the first five screenshots for Luigi's Mansion 3. Luigi's Mansion 3 was announced for Nintendo Switch during yesterday's Nintendo Direct. The game is coming worldwide in 2019. View the screenshots below.
Nintendo has announced the release date for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD for Switch. The HD remake of Luigi's second mansion outing will be releasing on June 27th 2024 for Switch. The announcement was made as part of the MAR10 Day celebrations for this year. https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/1766814071142137942 Stay tuned for more updates as…
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