Nintendo And Smash Bros. Dominate E3 Twitter Discussions

Nintendo And Smash Bros. Dominate E3 Twitter Discussions

Twitter’s own blog has revealed some statistics for the tweets that were buzzing around Twitter during the E3 period and it turns out that Nintendo has taken the top spot for both the most tweeted topic as well as the most tweeted newly announced game title.

Here are the results for the most tweeted topics during the E3 period:

  1. Nintendo (@Nintendo)
  2. Xbox (@Xbox)
  3. Super Smash Bros. (#SuperSmashBros)
  4. Fallout (@Fallout)
  5. Playstation (@PlayStation)
  6. Kingdom Hearts (@KINGDOMHEARTS)
  7. Ubisoft (@Ubisoft)
  8. Elder Scrolls (@ElderScrolls)
  9. Death Stranding (#DEATHSTRANDING)
  10. Fortnite (@FortniteGame)

While here is the most tweeted new game during E3

  1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  2. Kingdom Hearts 3
  3. Fallout 76
  4. The Last of Us 2
  5. Death Stranding

Also, these are the top discussion during the E3 period

  1. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate release date is announced
  2. Ridley announced as newest character added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  3. Elder Scrolls VI trailer is revealed at @Bethesda press conference

You can find out more about Twitter’s E3 statistics here.
