Nintendo Are Anticipating Huge Nintendo Switch Sales This Holiday

Nintendo Are Anticipating Huge Nintendo Switch Sales This Holiday

In an interview with The Verge, Reggie Fils-Aime the president of Nintendo of America discussed about their projections in console and software sales this Holiday.

The Nintendo Switch has sold around 6 million units this year and still needs 14 million more units sold to meet its target that it send for the end of the year. Reggie has responded to this by saying that he isn’t concerned about the sales or the future of the console and stated “This year, we think that we’re exceptionally well prepared for the holidays and truly have something for every type of gamer and every type of household”.

He further goes on to say that “As we look at our momentum right now that we’ve been able to drive with Super Mario Party, as we look at Pokémon about to launch this Friday, Super Smash Bros. on December 7th, we believe we’re exceptionally well positioned to drive through the holiday season to have a very strong quarter. That’s the key for us.”

Reggie also goes on to clarify that Nintendo have worked hard to ensure that there will be no shortages of Nintendo Switch consoles this year as he goes on to say “We’ve worked really hard to make sure that we have enough systems, enough accessories, enough games”.

Nintendo seems to be very confident in their sales with huge titles such as: Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and think that they will be able to reach their massive goal of 30 Million units.

We will keep you all updated once details regarding the sales numbers are released.
