Nintendo “Controller Button Collection” Gashapon Keychains Result In Large Queues
Earlier this week, Nintendo revealed that it was launching a new edition of its nostalgic gashapon keychains that feature controller buttons/sticks from past console systems. Well, it looks like these new collectibles are getting quite a lot of attention in Japan!
Visitors to the Nintendo TOKYO have reported long queues now snaking around the store – which consist of fans lining to buy the gashapon capsule toys. It is currently unknown if Nintendo intends to place any limits on the amount of times that customers can play the gashapon machine that dispenses these keychains.
Nintendo added these new gacha keyrings to their Japanese stores today. I’m at Nintendo Tokyo and the queue for the gacha machine is right out the door https://t.co/zonx9NEyBC pic.twitter.com/vtUCGPRuyh
— Chris Scullion @ BitSummit, Japan (@scully1888) July 23, 2024
Additionally, folks who have obtained some of the new keychains have discovered that the components of these souvenirs can potentially be used as spare parts for the actual controllers that they represent. For example, the Twitter user below shared that they were able to use the buttons from their GameCube controller keychain to replace the same buttons in an actual GameCube controller.
製造元がバンダイだし、第一弾は実機との互換性がなかったみたいだけどGCコンのは純正パーツが採用されててちゃんと実機との互換性があった。GCコン本体は売って無いけどガシャポンから純正ラバーとT3スティックボックスが手に入る謎状況 https://t.co/J2kXVebiAo pic.twitter.com/EwH4NoFiwz
— どべん (@doben_ssb) July 23, 2024
From the looks of things, these keychains will remain quite popular for time to come. We’ll report back if we hear more about them in the future.
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