Nintendo Treehouse’s Samantha Robertson Announces Her Departure From Nintendo
Samantha Robertson, one of Nintendo’s key public figures best known for hosting Nintendo Treehouse, has announced that she has left the company.
This news comes three years after Robertson was promoted to manager of product marketing for the publisher & developer relations and stopped making regular appearances on Nintendo Treehouse.
Over on Twitter, Robertson shared some of her thoughts about the move, explaining that she intends to take a step back and recharge before deciding what to do next, although it seems that she may not be done working in the gaming industry yet.
I recognize that being able to take this step back is a privilege, and it’s not a move I make lightly. I’m excited to share future updates with you as I figure out what comes next. (2/4)
— Samantha Robertson (@EditingEntropy) March 23, 2022
Video games and the gaming community remain a huge part of my life. This is an industry I am passionate about. I think it’s incredible. I think it can be even better. And I don’t think I’m done with it yet. (4/4)
— Samantha Robertson (@EditingEntropy) March 23, 2022
The NintendoSoup news team would like to wish Samantha all the best and much success in her future endeavors.