NintendoSoup Editor-in-Chief Iggy Steps Down
Dear readers,
I’m Iggy, co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of NintendoSoup.
Today is the last day I am writing for NintendoSoup as Editor-in-Chief.
It has been over two years since Nitro and I launched NintendoSoup in June 2017. I still vividly remember the day where we were discussing about setting up a Nintendo news site that covers all sorts of stories – informative news, happy stories, sad stories, angry stories, and just-for-fun content.
After nailing down on the vision of the site, we had to decide on a name. Both of us came up with many suggestions, but none had the “oomph” until I suggested the name “NintendoSoup”. Why “NintendoSoup”, you may ask? Well, first, I like eating soup, and second, we wanted NintendoSoup to be a “soup” where we serve all types of news under one roof. That’s the feeling I wanted to convey to readers.
Upon launching the site, we immediately got to work, both of us contributing close to 30 stories a day. I worked on my writing style and enjoyed the thrill of breaking stories no one else had. In a blink of an eye, it was November 2017, and we celebrated the site receiving its 1 millionth page view. We expanded the team and brought to our fold many talented writers and reporters from all four corners of the Earth.
Just as NintendoSoup began to grow rapidly, we started breaking more stories thanks to the connections we have to the industry. First came World of Final Fantasy Maxima’s physical edition. Then came the amiibo Shovel Knight Gold Edition, which we reported almost one year before its official announcement. Many were skeptical, but the owner of a long-running Nintendo fan site believed we were right. And this year, we were the first to report Dragon Quest XI S would launch worldwide in 2019, a month before its launch window was officially announced.
Sometimes the both of us are very surprised by the number of people that know the site. There were occasions where people mention “I read NintendoSoup” without us asking! Our biggest surprise came almost a year ago when we met senior officers from The Pokemon Company (Japan), where one exclaimed “you guys are from NintendoSoup?” and praised us for our reporting!
As I look back, I figured we made a huge impact on the gaming community that we didn’t foresee at all. In 2018, we saw our 10 millionth page view, and welcomed visitors from nearly every single country around the world, including North Korea. We never saw it coming because we were expecting all this to happen way later.
There was one thing I did plan for, though – to step down as Editor-in-Chief and pass on the baton by 2020.
I am pleased to introduce to you News Editor GALA-MOS, who will succeed me as Editor-in-Chief tomorrow on November 11, 2019. GALA-MOS is a very talented reporter and gamer who is passionate about video games. He will have full editorial oversight of the site and I will continue to work closely with him to improve the quality and accuracy of our stories.
NintendoSoup is a site run by gamers who are all passionate about video games. For all of us, it’s never a full-time job – some of us have assignments to complete, superiors to report to, and families to feed. I would be very frank with you – it is not easy to balance NintendoSoup and other commitments in life, especially when running on 3 hours of sleep on some days of the week.
With GALA-MOS as Editor-in-Chief, we will continue to listen to the feedback of our readers, improve the quality of our content, and make NintendoSoup a great place to visit.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our readers, industry friends, and fellow sites for your support. It has been a pleasure serving you for two years.
Yours truly,
Co-founder of NintendoSoup