Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Survey Asks Fans About Unique Characters And More

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Survey Asks Fans About Unique Characters And More

Following the release of the Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake, Nintendo has sent out a survey asking fans what they think about the game.

The survey was sent out to players who purchased and registered their copy of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, gathering feedback on various aspects of the title, including who was their favorite character, the balance between story and combat, and more. Most notably however, is that one question specifically asks players about the types of characters the player likes the most, with one option being “I like characters that look like other familiar characters, but have a unique appearance or personality.”, citing Goombella and Koops as examples.

Longtime fans of Paper Mario may be painfully aware that unique takes on classic Mario enemies have been left out of the more recent entries in the series, despite being a beloved aspect of the first two games. Hopefully, this signals that Nintendo is considering bringing this element back for potential future Mario RPG titles.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
