Pikmin Plushies Returning To Japan This October
To celebrate the launch of Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Sanei Boeki is reprinting select plushies from the Pikmin plush lineup in Japan.
The reprints are set to hit stores in mid October 2020, just in time for Pikmin 3 Deluxe’s launch at the end of the month.
We will let you know once retailers start taking orders for the reprints.
みんなを連れて、惑星探索にでかけよう♪♪♪#ピクミン #ピクミン3 #三英貿易 #Pikmin#赤ピクミン #青ピクミン #黄ピクミン #羽ピクミン #岩ピクミン #チャッピー pic.twitter.com/UgM82eztcd— ぬいぐるみの三英@ゲームキャラクター (@sanei_NLG) August 6, 2020