Platinum’s Hideki Kamiya Thanks Fans For Supporting The Wonderful 101: Remastered Kickstarter
Last month, Platinum Games launched a Kickstarter to gauge interest in The Wonderful 101: Remastered, which quickly surpassed its funding goal within minutes after being launched.
When the Kickstarter finally closed, over $2.25 million dollars had been pledged, many times the original goal of $50K just to launch it on Switch. Since then, Platinum’s Hideki Kamiya has updated the page with a special message thanking fans for their support, as well as sharing a bit of their plans moving forward.
Check it out below:
This is Hideki Kamiya, director of The Wonderful 101.
Our Kickstarter campaign has finally come to an end!
Looking back, I was filled with both worry and excitement over finally getting a chance to find out just how many people were interested in a port of a game that came out seven long years ago. In the end, we got more support than I had ever dreamed of, and I think it’s become a happy ending for both us and all of the backers.
The month passed in the blink of an eye. I can remember us first thanking over 13,000 Kickstarter backers who pledged us the first 100 million yen, then watching with excitement every day as everyone worked to help us complete our stretch goals. And on the final day, we were able to share our joy with everyone during the final stream. Every day was so exciting and full of fun, and it’s kind of sad to think it’s all coming to an end.
During the campaign, I also got to make a video with Mega64, something I’d always dreamed of, and PlatinumGames also got to run its very first booth at PAX. I was worried about whether or not we’d actually be able to see enough people come to our booth, and was overjoyed to see how many people attended our autograph session. In just one month, I’ve experienced a ton of exceptionally memorable moments, even when compared to everything I’ve experienced during my career thus far.
As I explained in my interview video, The Wonderful 101 has the biggest volume of content out of any action game I’ve ever worked on. When we developed it seven years ago, we just tried to cram everything we could into the game, and we always wished we had the chance to polish up some of the details. Now, thanks to the support of everyone who participated in this crowdfunding campaign, we’ve finally gotten the chance to do that, making this remaster the definitive version of the game. Honestly, it feels like a miracle!
This will also be the first game that PlatinumGames self-publishes. I truly feel from the bottom of my heart that every backer who took part in this campaign has become our special ally, unlike any other.
PlatinumGames hopes to keep working on developing original titles while also growing as a publisher. No matter what may be waiting for us in the future, we will never forget the gratitude we feel toward everyone who supported us in setting off on a new start through the Kickstarter campaign for The Wonderful 101: Remastered. We’re going to work hard on every one of our games from here on out to make sure we’ll always keep being a company that you can feel proud about. Thank you so very much for supporting us in this small yet important first step.
We still have a ton of work to do, including creating the rewards as well as the DLC, but first we want to make sure we deliver The Wonderful 101: Remastered to all of you as quickly as possible. Whether you’ve already played the original or will be experiencing this game for the first time, we want to work our hardest to make sure everyone can enjoy this special, unique game.
Once more, we’d all like to extend a warm, heartfelt thank you to all of our beloved backers. You’ll always have a special place in our hearts!
The Wonderful 101: Remastered launches on Switch May 19 in North America, May 22 in Europe, and June 11 in Japan.
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