Pokemon Camp Receives A Huge Update, Pokemon Shuffle 2 Year Anniversary Goodies Out Now
The Pokemon Company has announced two pieces of news related to two Pokemon smartphone apps – Pokemon Camp and Pokemon Shuffle.
Pokemon Camp has received a huge update adding more than 60 new Pokemon to collect (including Pokemon from the Alola region), a new Poke Ball Roll activity, and a day night cycle where different Pokemon will appear during different times of the day.
Pokemon Shuffle has just turned 2, and to celebrate, a Shiny Tyranitar will be given to all players who log in. More Pokemon from the Alola region such as Tapu Koko (from August 1st) and Tapu Lele (from August 15th) will begin to appear in Pokemon Shuffle. On top of this, starting August 1st, “challenges will include extra chances to be rewarded with generous drops such as 3x Mega Speedups.”
These goodies will also be available on the Nintendo 3DS version of Pokemon Shuffle.